Sunday, November 16, 2014

Personal Observation, Analysis and the Research Paper

When I first read the general instructions for the analysis essay I will admit that I felt a bit of trepidation. The project felt too open ended, and I really didn't have the foggiest idea of where to start. However, like watching the plot of a movie unfold, the exercises we did as we started the project made it easier to find direction.

I have loved coffee since I went to Klekolo in college during a trip to Middletown, Connecticut. I had a drink called the Mardi Gras, a gateway drug of sweetened espresso beverage. I had gone to Coffee Times in Lexington once, and my friend's drink, Campfire Cocoa, had made a bit of an impression. We were supposed to choose a relatively small space, and while Coffee Times is technically only two rooms, the place is huge. It definitely was a bigger task to observe and write about this place than I initially thought.

If you have the opportunity to go to Coffee Times, I recommend going to find a seat near the back. You might feel like you are too close to the restrooms, but you will be next to the large glass window that looks over their coffee roasting area. It is a unique view that isn't common to the rest of the coffee shops in the area.

Note: Robert and Barbara Sommer's work on social facilitation is available to read via UKY library site with a student ID. The full citation information can be found via the linked page or the Works Cited linked below.